Supreme winners with, from left, Gerald Hope
and Edwin Pitts (Marlborough Research Centre), Andrew Macalister, Isabella Lee and Eric Jorgensen (Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust), and Dion Mundy (Plant & Food Research)
Winner: Supreme Award sponsored by Marlborough Research Centre and Plant & Food Research
Winner: Landscape and Habitat Enhancement Award
sponsored by Morgans Road Nursery
The Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust’s wilding pine programme has had a huge impact on the landscape of the Sounds as they work to restore native bush.
Wilding pines are an unintended consequence of trees planted for shelter, erosion control and commercial forestry. They grow fast and take over regenerating native bush, reduce biodiversity, and change the look of the natural ridgelines.
Working with Sounds landowners, Council, Government agencies and sponsors, the Marlborough Sounds RestorationTrust raises funds to hire contractors to get rid of the wildings. The crews work through the undergrowth to drill each tree and inject herbicide, or spot-spraying is done by helicopter. As the trees die and break down, the native bush and natural skyline returns.
The Trust is working across a wide area of the Sounds, from Tory Channel to D’Urville Island. The judges were impressed by the Trust’s ability to connect with the community and raise funds and in-kind donations. Their strong track record leads to high credibility with the community and funding agencies.