Journey to environmental compliance
The work by Murray and Tanya Frost to turn around a seriously non-compliant dairy farm was showcased at the Farming Award field day in Linkwater on May 11, 2022.
When they bought the 200ha property 10 years ago there was minimal fencing, pastures were dominated by browntop and weeds, the effluent pond was leaking and and cows drank from the streams. It fell well short of Council and Fonterra environmental standards, however, the Frosts’ determination and hard work have paid off.
About 60 people joined the on-farm walking tour showing significant improvements to the whole operation, from pasture to milking shed to waste disposal. Marlborough District Council staff explained the benefits of the dung beetle programme to break down cow manure on the pasture before it gets to waterways. This is part of the wider Te Hoiere catchment programme, which Murray and Tanya have joined.
As well as going beyond what is required for environmental compliance, the farm has improved its production. ​Congratulations to the winners of the Farming Award, sponsored by Federated Farmers.